Our Network
We have been immersed 100% in the recruitment of talented biotechnology executives for so long that “our mental catalog” of specific individual names and in-depth relationships is frankly impressive. Our rare ability to find the perfect fit and to “find people who make a difference” is distinguished by our ability to uncover hidden talent. Our vast contacts and finely tuned experience enables us to access “passive” candidates within our biotechnology network. We leverage our experience and insights from prior search discussions with experts in our niche to entice those top-performers who may not be actively seeking new positions but are open to considering new opportunities that are an extraordinary fit.
Sanford Rose Associates® – Boston South Shore and our team have participated as current members or former members at networking events for the following Professional Associations/Memberships:
Professional Associations/Memberships:
(ASCO) American Society of Clinical Oncology
(AMWA) American Medical Writers Association
(ACRP) Association of Clinical Research Professionals
(AMA) American Marketing Association
(DIA) Drug Information Association
(MassBio) Massachusetts Biotechnology Council
(MMA) Medical Marketing Association
(NIRI) National Investor Relations Institute
(NEHRA) Northeast Human Resources Association
(PMI) Project Management Institute
(PRSA) Publications Relations Society of America
(RAPS) Regulatory Affairs Professional Society
(SHRM) Society for Human Resource Management
(SQA) Society of Quality Assurance
Sanford Rose Associates® – Boston South Shore, founded the Vaccine Professionals Group on LinkedIn, which currently has several thousand members.
Please Follow SRA – Boston South Shore and connect with us on LinkedIn
Our long-term relationships with the biotechnology experts you seek enabling us to deliver prior as well as current competitive intelligence, technical knowledge and personal insights to deliver quality results expeditiously.