FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: President of Sanford Rose Associates®, Karen Schmidt, Featured in Training Magazine, It’s A Super Portal Plano, TX 10/5/2017 By: Gail Dutton Learning portals are assumed to have superhero qualities that, in a perfect world, let them overcome learning challenges
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Karen Schmidt, President of Sanford Rose Associates®, Featured in Recruiter, Top 10: Ways to Promote Your Company Culture to Candidates Plano, TX 7/18/2017 When you’re trying to attract top talent to your organization, one of the best ways to spark qualified can
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Karen Schmidt, Managing Director of Sanford Rose Associates®, Featured in ZipRecruiter, What Does Labor Day Mean to Employers? Dallas, TX 9/6/2016 According to the Department of Labor, Labor Day, the first Monday in September, “is a creation of the labor movemen
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Karen Schmidt, Managing Director of Sanford Rose Associates®, Featured in Monster, How to Train your Recruiters to Be Better Listeners Dallas, TX 5/13/2016 By: John Rossheim There’s broad consensus among recruitment executives that 2016 is the year of listening
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Karen Schmidt, Managing Director of Sanford Rose Associates®, Featured in Recruiter, Recruiting Career Advice: Agency or Corporate? Dallas, TX 5/4/2016 If you want a career in recruiting, you’ll have to choose between walking the corporate path or joining a recr