We specialize in the search and placement of attorneys nationwide in law firms at both the associate and partner level and place attorneys with our corporate in-house clients at staff attorney levels up to general counsel. We are skilled in working with qualified individuals as they approach career transitions, and would love to meet and assist you. A great first step is to share with us your current resume. With this, we can keep our eyes open for opportunities that may fit your unique background. Please take a look at the current set of search engagements that our team is currently prioritizing, and if you are interested in learning more, please contact us immediately. Also, please consider others you know who may be qualified and interested in one of these great opportunities.
Shapiro Legal Search devotes its practice to providing world-class attorney search services to its clients. We focus on creating long-term value for our clients, and pride ourselves in our ability to identify those attorney candidates to fit our client’s needs. All of our services are conducted with adherence to the highest ethical and professional standards.
What We Do
Shapiro Legal Search works on behalf of client companies to search for and recruit highly qualified executives and attorneys. All fees related to the search are client paid. Every search is based on a solid working relationship with our client. This includes developing a thorough understanding of the position specification, organizational structure and company culture, as well as the client’s expectations of the new person in the position. We then search for the best candidates utilizing our extensive network of industry contacts and referral sources and our vast central database of candidates.
Our job at this point is twofold:
- To determine whether a person’s qualifications, interests and objectives are aligned with the opportunity
- To brief the prospective candidate on the position requirements.
Only if we determine that there is candidate interest and that the appropriate qualifications and attributes are possessed, will we discuss the candidate’s credentials with the client. Once a mutual interest is established between the client and a candidate, we become facilitators of the process.
Your Shapiro Legal Search search consultant will brief you thoroughly about the opportunity, client company and the interview process. Your consultant will assist in negotiating all aspects of any employment offer and will help to identify and resolve and issues that may arise. Counsel on cost of living and relocation issues can also be provided.
Shapiro Legal Search is not an employment agency, outplacement firm or advisor on career strategies. We counsel only with regard to the opportunities associated with our active search assignments.
Your Career
Most of the attorneys we approach are not actively in the job market. Frequently, they are qualified lawyers in satisfactory situations interested only in having exceptional career opportunities brought to their attention for serious consideration. If you are going to leverage your career to its maximum potential, you will probably make several appropriate and timely job changes over the course of your working life. In order to do that most effectively, you must have a career strategy and give careful thought to how to achieve your goals. You and your family should define your values with respect to your work and desired quality of life. When we are aware of your qualifications, goals and values, we can approach you with those opportunities that are consistent with them.
How to Work with Us
Career development is a serious process. In exploring a career opportunity with Shapiro Legal Search, you should keep some important points in mind:
- Be honest and share not only your career aspirations and values, but also any obstacles to consideration of an opportunity.
- If you have concerns, tell us in a timely manner so that we can deal with them.
- Provide a complete description of your work experience.
- Promptly provide requested materials.
- We know the clients needs and culture; listen and respond to our counseling.
- Provide us with solid professional references that know you and your work well.
- Be proactive; a call right after an interview, for instance, is an important part of a successful process.
You may rest assured that we will be sensitive to your personal and professional needs and goals. Confidentiality will be maintained throughout the process. Our ongoing relationships with our clients often provide us ongoing relationships with candidates we place. Therefore, we want to win relationships for life with both our clients and the executives we place with them. The quality and value of our service is what earns those relationships and adds value to our clients and executives placed with them.
Information and Tools You Can Use
Salary Information
www.salary.com Find out what you are worth!
Salary Calculator A city-by-city salary comparison.
Relocation Information
www.recruiterrelocation.com Free relocation service designed to cover the entire process.
www.homefair.com Find home prices and other useful information.
www.realtor.com World’s largest database of homes for sale.
www.citysearch.com Neighborhood city guide.
Free School Reports Learn about your scholastic options before you move.
Free City Reports Side-by-side comparison of two cities’ cost of living, climate, demographics and other vital information.
Community Calculator Identify neighborhoods in other communities in the United States with ZIP codes that have similar demographics.
Moving Calculator How much will your move be?
Relocation Wizard Plan your move with a custom timeline. Answer a few questions, then click “create a timeline” and let the Wizard do the rest!
Relocation Crime Lab Find a specific city’s crime statistics.
Mortgage Information How much will your new mortgage be?
Successful Telephone Interviews
Interviewing: 100 Resources for Interviewers and Candidates
Candidate Chronicles:
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