Team Performance
Great Team Performance
Leadership, Teamwork and Teamability®
The Proof is in The Business Results!
What Is Teaming?
In 1984, two behavioral scientists – Dr. Janice Presser and Dr. Jack Gerber – started working together because they both wanted to understand what really happens when people team together, and if there was a way to measure it.
Peak Performance
Late in 2009, after 25 years of R&D – including 3 separate cycles of testing and validation, and 9 years of software development – this new technology became generally available online. Since then, over 150 organizations on five continents have used Teamability and its related management methods to accelerate sourcing and hiring, improve quality of hire, solve chronic ‘people problems’, and improve business processes. What’s more, the business benefits achieved have been documented in time and cost savings, performance improvements, and awards for business and technology innovation.
Team Players
The new metrics of teaming apply to much more than the selection and assignment of people. Teamability also provides workable strategies and methods for developing, managing, and motivating both individuals and teams.
Right People, Right Seats
To make Teamability easy to use, TGI also created a new way to diagram team structure. A single Team Target™ diagram can depict the key elements of teaming quality that determine a team’s overall synergy and resilience. We will be happy to help you launch a pilot project that demonstrates specific, scalable business value.
Contact Don at [email protected]