7 Summertime Job Interview Mistakes to Avoid

By: David Mielach

Summer may be the perfect time to sit back in a beach chair and relax, but it is also the one of the best times to find a job or internship. However, going through the interview process in the summer can be even more challenging then it is at other points of the year for a number of reasons. Luckily, hiring managers have some useful advice that may make all the difference in whether a candidate gets a job offer this summer. They include:

Wearing sunglasses on the top of a person’s head and wearing shorts are absolute no-nos. Bringing weekend bags that look like they are going to the beach should be left in the reception area or in the car, if the person was not taking public transportation. These are a couple of examples of people I have had interview for positions in the summer months, so I now provide candidates with a dress code document before they go on interviews. – Paul Feeney, managing director at Sanford Rose Associates – Wayne.

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