CEO of Hyperion Executive Search – A member of the Sanford Rose Associates® network of offices, David Hunt, Authored “Cleantech Venture Capitalists are all Marxists. Who knew?!”, Featured in Discover Cleantech
Plano, TX 11/18/2022
David Hunt is Founder and CEO of Hyperion Executive Search, parent of global executive search and recruitment businesses exclusively working in cleantech sectors. He is a mentor for a number of international cleantech accelerators, host of the Leaders in Cleantech podcast, and a regular commentator on cleantech and talent issues in trade and the mainstream media. The following is an article he wrote in Discover Cleantech on cleantech venture capitalism:
Recently I was fortunate to be asked to speak and moderate at a cleantech retreat taking place on a small man-made island off Copenhagen. The event, Forward22, organised by Rockstart, a cleantech accelerator and VC, was a small gathering of founders, entrepreneurs, venture capitalists, investors, bankers and NGOs, all active and committed to the cleantech and sustainable food sectors. I was surprised, but by no means shocked, when one of the sessions I was moderating, on ‘Rethinking Consumption’ as part of the ‘Driving the Energy Transition’ theme, turned a bit, well, Marxist! Sort of.
As I write this, Taxonomy is a hot topic, with the UK government announcing debt underwritten tax give-aways that crashed the pound and irked the markets. It also prompted the Bank of England into action and will probably lead to much higher interest rates than we have been used to for many years. What’s this got to do with cleantech you may ask. It’s fair to say that tax is never popular, or paying tax is never popular at least. Yet one clear theme came from the discussion I was hosting; that taxation, on everything, was a radical and necessary action to help address climate change and to help reverse our current unsustainable ways of living. Mandatory taxes that ensure that ‘polluters pay’ and that we stop using the atmosphere and the environment as open sewers, free to trash.
Read full article here:
Keith Sims, President of Integrity Resource Management, Featured in Newsweek
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Keith Sims, President of Integrity Resource Management – A member of the Sanford Rose Associates® network of offices, Featured in Newsweek, Gen Z Is Having 'Midlife Crisis' Plano, TX 12/23/2024 By: [...]
President of Integrity Resource Management, Keith Sims, Featured in Newsweek
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