President of Laney Solutions – A member of the Sanford Rose Associates® network of offices, Kathleen Laney, Authored “Parking’s Secret Weapon in the Talent War” Featured in International Parking & Mobility Institute
Plano, TX 01/23/2023
Kathleen Laney is President of Laney Solutions, an executive search firm located in Denver, CO. Laney Solutions is the leading parking industry recruitment firm specializing in middle and senior management, experienced sales professionals and executive level placements. Kathleen’s goal in establishing Laney Solutions was to provide high-quality executive recruitment to an under-served industry. And by having a narrow focus, she has developed exceptional parking industry expertise in a short period of time. The following is an article published in International Parking & Mobility Institute:
For years, hiring professionals and recruiters have been warning of the looming “War for Talent.” At the time, many companies accepted this possibility but brushed it aside as a slow-moving trend that would gradually be resolved over several years. Unfortunately, the pandemic had other plans and compacted years of resignations, redundancies, and retirements into less than 24 months. So here we are today, in the throes of a “Talent War.”
The reality is competition for top talent in the parking industry is extremely tight. Businesses that can’t compete will need to adapt in order to keep pace by turning to their internal talent pipelines and develop and upskill their current employees. As we move into a new era for parking, here are a few skills that will be in high demand for the next decade, and the ways in which you can upskill your biggest asset, your people.
Read full article here:
Keith Sims, President of Integrity Resource Management, Featured in Newsweek
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Keith Sims, President of Integrity Resource Management – A member of the Sanford Rose Associates® network of offices, Featured in Newsweek, Gen Z Is Having 'Midlife Crisis' Plano, TX 12/23/2024 By: [...]
President of Integrity Resource Management, Keith Sims, Featured in Newsweek
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: President of Integrity Resource Management – A member of the Sanford Rose Associates® network of offices, Keith Sims, Featured in Newsweek, America Sees Rise in People Quitting Their Jobs Plano, TX [...]