Mark Phillips, CEO of HireEducation – A member of the Sanford Rose Associates® network of offices, Featured in The Wall Street Journal, The ‘Overqualified’ Trap Can Hit You at Any Time
By: Sue Shellenbarger
Plano, TX 8/19/2019
A 39-year-old executive with a successful record as a senior vice president has been job-hunting since she was laid off a few months ago. She doesn’t care about matching her former title. She just wants a challenging job where she can learn and grow.
Some people have legitimate reasons for applying for jobs beneath their capabilities, such as gaining more time for family-care duties or recovering from burnout. Employers still worry that such applicants overestimate their own willingness to live with the losses that come with reduced status, says Mark Phillips, chief executive of Sanford Rose Associates/HireEducation, a Boulder, Colo., recruiting firm. He’s skeptical of candidates who say they’re willing to take a 25% pay cut, for example.
CEO of Simply Driven Search, Kent Burns, Authored, “Want Lower Absenteeism and Turnover? The Treasure is Right at Your Feet” Featured in Indiana Manufacturers Association
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: CEO of Simply Driven Search – A member of the Sanford Rose Associates® network of offices, Kent Burns, Authored, “Want Lower Absenteeism and Turnover? The Treasure is Right at Your Feet” [...]
Keith Sims, President of Integrity Resource Management, Featured in Newsweek
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Keith Sims, President of Integrity Resource Management – A member of the Sanford Rose Associates® network of offices, Featured in Newsweek, Gen Z Is Having 'Midlife Crisis' Plano, TX 12/23/2024 By: [...]