Senior Vice President of Healthcare at Berkeley Search Consultants – A member of the Sanford Rose Associates® network of offices, Efton Hall, Featured in Elite Healthcare, Recruiting amidst COVID-19: A New Reality
Plano, TX 9/9/2020
By: Mark McGraw
Experts predict a volatile labor market for the foreseeable future, and urge healthcare system leadership to differentiate their facilities in the eyes of job candidates.
The shortage of healthcare professionals was a concern even before the coronavirus pandemic, but now recruiting prospects have become even more tenuous.
Naturally, COVID-19 has exacerbated the issue, and healthcare systems’ staffing concerns aren’t likely to go away anytime soon.
Efton Hall, senior vice president, healthcare, life sciences and public sector at Berkeley Search Consultants, which is part of The Sanford Rose Network, also expects healthcare hiring to increase in the days ahead. “Significant layoffs and employee furloughs, even though not complete, have already occurred on a large scale,” says Hall, noting that healthcare systems of various sizes are messaging members/patients notifying them of what on-site services and procedures are now available.
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