CEO of Horizon Hospitality – A member of the Sanford Rose Associates® network of offices, Scott Samuels, Featured in Hostfully, What Vacation Rentals Can Learn From Hotels
Plano, TX 12/1/2017
Vacation rental managers need to be a jack-of-all-trades. From marketing and advertising, to scheduling, guest communication, cleaning, and concierge services, the list of “things you need to know” can feel endless. More and more, vacation rental management companies need to operate like mini versions of a full service hotel. And increasingly, guests who visit vacation rentals expect hotel-style amenities and hospitality.
It’s clear that that there are many areas of collaboration and opportunities for partnerships between the hotel and vacation rental industries. As Scott Samuels of Horizon Hospitality puts it, “Large hotel companies will purchase or create strategic partnerships with vacation rental companies. While they both cater to travelers, vacation rentals are still much more focused on the leisure market.”
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