Jeff Kaye, Co-CEO of Sanford Rose Associates®, Featured in Hunt Scanlon, How Investing In Workplace Learning Can Unlock Potential

Dallas, TX 8/19/2016

By Christopher W. Hunt

As recruiting chief Jeff Kaye points out in the following interview, the barriers to entry in the search profession are lower than almost any other line of work. Many industry leaders, like Mr. Kaye, therefore see a developing need to step up training efforts for newcomers to the field as well as for those that have plied their trade for years.

Mr. Kaye has made it his mission in recent years to put a strong emphasis on training. To that end, he developed Next Level Exchange where he serves as co-chief executive along with Nicholas Turner. Next Level Exchange provides on-demand training for recruitment professionals on a global basis.

In the following exchange, Mr. Kaye discusses why training has fallen off in recent years and why he sees a direct link between the training of professionals and their retention rates. He also looks at what might be changing within the C-suite itself, where new positions dedicated to training — like chief talent officer, chief learning officer and chief retention officer — are expanding in use and popularity. Mr. Kaye concludes by discussing the correlation between good training and corporate profitability, and where he sees employee training heading in the next decade.

Mr. Kaye is chief executive of Kaye/BassmanSanford Rose, a position he’s now held for over two decades. Ranked by Hunt Scanlon Media as the 10th largest search firm in the Americas in 2016, it employs more than 120 consultants in the U.S. and enjoys annual revenues of nearly $40 million.

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