President of The Kineta Group – A member of the Sanford Rose Associates® network of offices David Patterson Featured in Monster, These Managers Share the Worst Ways Employees Quit Their Jobs
Dallas, TX | 12/10/2015
By David Bortz
Breaking up with your boss via email or text message is one thing. (And, sadly, such methods have become commonplace.) But turning in your resignation in the form of a ransom letter, or trashing the office on your way out? Err…talk about making an exit.
“About a year ago, I hired an entry-level employee who had just graduated with a creative writing degree. While working here, she wrote an article on LinkedIn titled Should I Stay or Should I Go? detailing why you should quit if going to work puts you in a dark, black mood. This was three weeks before she quit my company.” — David Patterson, president of The Kineta Group, Inc.
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