CEO of SRA® – The Tolan Group, Tim Tolan, Featured in Wall Street Journal


CEO of Sanford Rose Associates® – The Tolan Group, Tim Tolan, Featured in Wall Street Journal, The Instant Message Generation Gap

By: Sue Shellenbarger

Plano, TX | 4/19/2018

A new wave of instant messaging at the office is changing communication, and some older workers are scrambling to keep up.

Instant messaging at work has expanded rapidly in the past three years. Companies are racing to adopt secure workplace apps to replace the consumer apps young employees have been bringing to the office on their smartphones for years, such as WhatsApp and Facebook Messenger.

While young workers tend to enjoy the social ties instant messaging can promote, some older workers see all the banter as TMI. Tim Tolan sets aside one channel on Slack for personal photos, videos and stories posted by his employees, who are mostly in their 20s and 30s. Mr. Tolan is CEO of the Tolan Group, a St. Augustine, Fla., affiliate of the Sanford Rose executive-search network.

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