Bob Broady, President of BroadReach Search Partners – A member of the Sanford Rose Associates® network of offices, Featured in BioSpace, Psychometric Testing in Pharma and Biotech Hiring
Plano, TX 2/8/2024
By: Sunitha Chari
Psychometric tests are designed to assess a candidate’s cognitive abilities, problem solving skills, personality traits and values. Some companies and recruiting firms administer such assessments in tandem with traditional interviews as part of the hiring process.
Bob Broady, president and executive recruiter for BroadReach Search Partners, noted that “companies screening potential candidates for sales discovery roles look for specific traits such as comfort with ambiguity, flexibility and perseverance.”
Personality assessments are important for assessing leadership qualities such as emotional intelligence, diplomacy, pragmatism and decision-making abilities, the experts agreed. For example, Hogan’s Personality Inventory and Hogan Development Survey examine how people relate to others and perform under stress. Watson Glaser and Raven’s Matrices assess critical thinking and reasoning abilities.
“Typically for higher positions a combination of psychometric tests would be administered to get a comprehensive picture of the different traits needed to excel in the position,” Thompson explained. “Psychometric tests give employers an objective overall perspective of the potential hire and could help to reduce hiring bias.”
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