Paul Feeney, President of Sanford Rose Associates® – Wayne, Authored, “Hotel Leadership: Fake It Until You Make It” Featured In, Hotel Executive
Plano, TX 3/11/2021
Paul Feeney, President of Sanford Rose Associates® – Wayne, an executive search firm located in Franklin Lakes, NJ. Sanford Rose Associates® – Wayne devotes its practice to all areas of finance, accounting, general management, operations, technology, management consulting, mining operations, engineering and project management for all industries and sectors. The following is an article published in Hotel Executive:
Think back to your days as a child; in your neighborhood, you may have had a community pool with a diving board that (especially in your youth) seemed about twenty stories tall. And each summer, during swimming lessons, the instructor would force you to you climb those stairs, teeter out to the end of the board, and basically push you off the end. Do you remember how that felt? Your whole being was screaming at you not to do it, because you knew that the inevitable would happen and you were most certainly going to plunge to your death. As you fell for what seemed like eternity, suddenly you would hit the water and have the realization that you had survived and, in fact, it was not that bad at all.
As children, our parents or our swimming instructors or our teachers were obligated to give us a gentle nudge over the edge. Embrace the fact that now, you are the only one who can take that leap of faith. We know how the story continues with those summers at the swimming pool; you throw yourself off the diving board once, and then realize that it’s pretty fun and you actually enjoy proving to yourself that you can do whatever you set your mind to. You then jump off enough times repeatedly that it’s no longer an intimidating challenge. So the first step? Embrace what makes you uncomfortable; professional growth comes from new experiences and often distressing ones.
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