Mark Phillips of HireEducation, a Member of the Sanford Rose Associates Network of Offices, Featured in Fast Company Article: How To Create An Infographic Resume That Doesn’t Repel Hiring Managers
Dallas, TX | 11/6/2014
By Rachel Gillett
In a competitive job market it’s tempting to want to make yourself stand out.
And since we are such a visually driven culture (studies show that you can convey more information faster with pictures than you can with words), it’s not surprising that some job seekers are considering turning their resumes into infographics.
These visualizations of data are everywhere, from the best places in the world to start a business to the sleep schedules of some of history’s greatest minds.
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Visualizing any metric that reflects growth, whether it’s a percentage, number of new accounts or revenue, or number of people reached, is key says Mark Phillips of executive search firm network Sanford Rose Associates.
“The primary fault with most traditional resumes is that they focus on responsibilities not results,” he explains. “Infographics put results front and center without sending the reader on a hunting expedition.”
But while an infographic could be really effective at conveying this information in an engaging way, there are a few rules to keep in mind according to Phillips and Rosen.
Phillips thinks infographic resumes work well for creative disciplines and results-focused resumes, especially for job candidates in sales since they can highlight results and outcomes. But, generally, he would advise against executives using one, unless they are with early-stage startups.
Additionally, he warns about using an infographic just to stand out. “If your job history isn’t good, a graphical resume will highlight that fact,” he says. “It will be clear to everyone that reads it that the infographic is simply an attempt to cover up the ugly truth.”
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