Bob Hadick, President of Russ Hadick & Associates – A member of the Sanford Rose Associates® network of offices Featured in Engineer Jobs, Is a Mechanical Engineering Master’s Worth It?

Dallas, 1/8/2015

By Matt Kelland

As you near the end of your mechanical engineering Bachelor’s, you’ll inevitably be faced with the decision to pursue a postgraduate degree or move into the workforce. Is a mechanical engineering Masters worth it?

Bob Hadick has been a recruiter with Russ Hadick Associates in Dayton, Ohio for 15 years, and formerly worked as a Director of Engineering in both the US and the UK. “It’s not a hard and fast rule, but in my experience, larger companies generally want to see a Master’s degree,” he says.

When you start your job search, you need every advantage you can get. We regularly talk about the value of internships and extra-curricular activities, but one thing that’s bound to stand out is a postgraduate degree. “If all the other candidates fresh out of college have got a Bachelor’s, and you’re the one with a Master’s, you’ll get noticed,” says Hadick. “It’s a huge differentiator, especially when you have no actual experience.”

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