Bob Hadick, President of Russ Hadick & Associates – A member of the Sanford Rose Associates® network of offices Featured in Aspen Times, Think Like An Inventor
Dallas, TX 11/20/2014
By Dawn Klingensmith
We have talking phones that call us by name and cars that park themselves. We see them less as inventions than advancements brought to us by Apple and Ford. But individual inventors still exist, bringing new products to the marketplace without corporate support. It takes ingenuity, tenacity and salesmanship. In fact, thinking like an inventor could benefit workers in corporate jobs. Their creation would be a more satisfactory, successful career.
Don’t leave your job at the office. It’s fine to choose to not check email after hours. But don’t stop thinking about work because you’re off the clock. “Inventors don’t stop inventing in their head when they leave work,” says Bob Hadick, president of Russ Hadick & Associates, of the Sanford Rose Associates.
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